✨ India issued 100,000 diplomas using Polygon blockchain

India issued 100,000 diplomas using Polygon blockchain 👛 Slope wallet is to blame for the recent Solana hack – analysis 🕴️ A US pension fund is looking to invest in crypto lending market

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India issued 100,000 diplomas using Polygon blockchain👛 Slope wallet is to blame for the recent Solana hack–analysis🕴️ A US pension fund is looking to invest in crypto lending market

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India issued 100,000 diplomas using Polygon blockchain

The Maharashtra State Board of Skill Development (MSBSD) has distributed approximately 100,000 verified digital certificates anchored on the Polygon (MATIC) blockchain. This is a staggering number, and it's all thanks to the LegitDoc platform.

This amazing feat was accomplished through the hard work and dedication of the Maharashtra State Innovation Society (MSINS).

The initiative is a method for issuing and certifying digital documents based on blockchain technology, and it's thanks to them that this process has been streamlined. The collaboration between the MSBSD and the MSINS has resulted in something truly special, and it's sure to revolutionize the way that digital certificates are issued and certified.

The benefits of using blockchain technology for digital certificates are many, and they include the fact that the certificates are tamper-proof, cannot be lost or stolen, and are accessible anywhere in the world. This is a game-changer for the issuing and certification of digital documents, and it's sure to have a positive impact on the lives of those who receive these certificates.

The Maharashtra government is leading the way in the adoption of blockchain technology, and its latest project is the issuance of blockchain-based diploma certificates. The government had already conducted a pilot project using the Ethereum blockchain to test out this option for past student credentials but due to scalability and the high gas cost connected with Ethereum, they have decided to make their full-scale deployment on Polygon.

This is a great use of blockchain technology and will help to streamline the process of issuing credentials.

Slope wallet is to blame for the recent Solana hack – analysis

Security researchers at Otter have finally found the root cause of the widely publicized Solana breach - sloppy devs at the Slope wallet app.

Slope hired a server from a company called Sentry, which stored users' seed phrases in readable text form. Since the phrases were not encrypted, anyone with access to this specific Sentry server could potentially access users' private keys and steal their funds.

If you're a former user of the Slope wallet, you're advised to transfer your funds out by creating other wallets with unique seed phrases.

According to Otter's analysis, it looks like hackers have stolen $4 million from the users.

Otter's report is a timely reminder to all crypto users - never entrust your seed phrase to a third-party wallet or service. If you want to keep your funds safe, always store your seed phrase in a secure, offline location.

A US pension fund is looking to invest in crypto lending market

Despite the current market conditions, some major financial players are still interested in cryptoassets. The Fairfax County Retirement Systems is a US pension fund with assets totaling $6.8 billion. The move marks the latest development in the Fairfax County pension fund’s journey to find new and innovative ways to generate income.

The Fairfax County pension fund is no stranger to digital investments. Its two subsidiaries, the USD 5bn Fairfax County Employee Retirement System and the USD 1.8bn Fairfax County Police Officers Retirement System, first invested USD 10m and USD 11m, respectively, into the Morgan Creek Blockchain Opportunities Fund in 2019.

Some of the yields that you’re able to achieve in a yield farming strategy are really attractive because some of the people have stepped back from that space,” said Katherine Molnar, Chief Investment Officer (CIO) of the Fairfax County Police Officers Retirement System.

It seems that even in these tough times, there are still opportunities to be had in the world of cryptoassets. Who knows, maybe these pensioners will be the ones laughing all the way to the bank. This could also turn out to be a case of “fools rush in where angels fear to tread” – but only time will tell.

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